They warned us. They gave us a full week's worth of warning! The Blizzard of the Century...hide the children! Dig deep holes! RUN AWAY!!!! Sheesh...what little snow we have received is already melting. Weather people...they must lose everything in Vegas.
Reminds me of the current debate about Global Warming. Why is it that some people are soooo concerned that we may be destroying our planet? Why is it that they are so busy cultivating fear in the minds and hearts of so many people? Doesn't it make you wonder...what do they have to gain?
Why do people use fear tactics? When you were little..did your parents ever tell you that the boogeyman may get you if you ... didn't do what? What they told you. What were they trying to do with the fear they engendered? Control your behavior.
And in the current debate...that is exactly what the motives are for the Al Gore's and others running around like Chicken Little...they want to control our behavior. I ask you...who is controlling their behavior? Al Gore flies all over the country...the world his own private jet. A bit hypocritical you say? Yes...indeed.
We began this slippery my humble opinion...when the Left started bashing cigarette smokers. Controlling their behavior by posting no smoking in all restaurants. Do I smoke, you ask? No...but you have every right to! No one should be allowed to take that from you. We are free want to make stupid choices...go right ahead.
But the left...the hypocritical left...they want control. Imagine if they have their way regarding global warming. We will be driving dinky little cars with no they (the elite) flit about in jets and Ferraris. think they too will drive dinky little cars with no power? Get real.
Global warming is at best a debatable event. The mainstream media makes it sound like it is happening...that all scientists are in agreement. But there is a wide diversity of opinions on the subject. haven't heard of scientists who disagree...? Well, of course not! If they disagree the media either ignores them or ridicules them. Google "global warming" and you will not find one who disagrees...but they are out there. And they are reputable.
Here for your amusement are some examples of contrary facts to the current global warming mania: McMurdo Dry Valleys have cooled by 0.7 °C per decade between 1986 and 2000, with similar pronounced seasonal trends. Summer cooling is particularly important to Antarctic terrestrial ecosystems that are poised at the interface of ice and water. Here we present data from the dry valleys representing evidence of rapid terrestrial ecosystem response to climate cooling in Antarctica, including decreased primary productivity of lakes (6–9% per year) and declining numbers of soil invertebrates (more than 10% per year). Continental Antarctic cooling, especially the seasonality of cooling, poses challenges to models of climate and ecosystem change. It is thus quite surprising that despite apparent increase in global temperatures during the last 20 years (e.g., Jones et al. 1999), the Antarctic region in general shows slight cooling during the period. Such cooling could partly explain the slight positive trend in sea ice extent observed during the 1979–96 period by Cavalieri et al. (1997). have used ice-flow velocity measurements from synthetic aperture radar to reassess the mass balance of the Ross Ice Streams, West Antarctica. We find strong evidence for ice-sheet growth (+26.8 gigatons per year), in contrast to earlier estimates indicating a mass deficit (
20.9 gigatons per year) warming? Antarctica is cooling...not warming. "Quite surprising" says one author. But, these little tidbits are hard to come by and are virtually ignored by the media and scientists who only support the theory of global warming. There are other sites one could go to but for the sake of time...I'll stop here.
For us older folks...remember about 30 years ago...when scientists were warning of a coming Ice Age and global catastrophe? And now...they blather about global warming and coming catastrophe? I'm no scientist, but could it possibly be that our earth..our big globe in the sky...suffers from (gasp!) climate change...regularly? That we mere mortals simply haven't been around long enough to see how things can change?
Don't let those who have an agenda dictate how you live your life. If it makes you feel better to live in such a way that you feel you're helping the climate, go for it. Just don't try to force me to follow.
Labels: Global Warming