Monday, June 26, 2006

This blogging thing....

I'm discovering how hard this blogging thing is to do. Trying to say something interesting, yet personal is hard. I lead a relatively boring life. I don't know famous people re: Phyllis (well, I don't think I do anyway).

But I did find it interesting that Warren Buffet is donating 1.5 BILLION DOLLARS to the Gates Foundation. Wow...what a concept. Oh, and that is not a one time gift...that is PER YEAR!!! All to seek cures in a variety of health issues. I think it's wonderful that he's doing it...makes me wonder what cure I could come up with given $1.5 BILLION. (How do you write that anyway...$1,500,000,000? That is very impressive.)

What would a person do with this kind of money? What would I do with it? After paying off my debt (a mere fraction of $1.5 BILLION) I think I would take my family on a very long vacation. Then I would invest some of it wisely. Next, I would invest some more of it unwisely...just for the heck of it! Then what? Find a cure for cancer? Pay for world peace? Nah, I think I'd buy a big mansion - make that two - and retire to read and play video games. Maybe I'd come down from the clouds for a bit to walk among the mere mortals and remind myself that once I was one of them.

You know, maybe it's a good thing I don't have $1.5 BILLION. What an egocentric little nerd I would be.


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