Saturday, June 17, 2006

Another blogger...?

Just what the blog-o-sphere needs...another blogger! Never thought I'd be doing this, but a lot of my friends blog and it looked fun. Besides I needed one more thing to do. I'm sitting here today listening to the rain lightly fall on our parched earth. What a beautiful sound and smell! We've had about 6 years of serious drought here so this is more than just welcome - this is life itself. The rain is too late for the wheat crop unfortunately, but it will help the pastures and the corn and soybeans. I'm sitting because I have endured a nasty gout attack...if you've ever had gout you will know how bad this feels. No fun whatsoever.

Anyway, let me say that I hope you will enjoy this blog and my ramblings. Please feel free to comment on anything said here. Not sure what will be said...or that it will be comment worthy, but hey even if you just visit and say "Hi!" that will be cool too.


Blogger Ted said...

Welcome to the blogesphere!!!

12:33 PM  

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